World Mosaic Pty. Ltd.

World Mosaic edtech (education technology) companies provide excellent customer service. Their mission is four-fold:
1. Connect edtech entrepreneurs with global markets.
2. Enable government, private and NGO education providers to scale innovations in learning and administration.
3. Empower practitioners to reclaim their profession.
4. Inspire learners  to construct meaning and skills for life.

They provide world-class professional services to help business and government define, set and execute goals to create value. They also provide the option of ongoing marketing, software development, product design, creative, due diligence, investment round and governance support and CXO services to enable edtech companies to pivot, scale or innovate in learning, technology and enterprise, locally or worldwide. Mosaic has become a global hub for entrepreneurs, educators, government, researchers, inventors, investors and edtech businesses.

To provide focus for our customers, World Mosaic companies and businesses are organised as follows:

  • Government Mosaic
  • Private Mosaic
  • Rev adaptive learning platform for schools, universities and tutoring providers
  • Service Mosaic
  • Marketing Mosaic
  • Yahki
  • mme moе
  • Flash Factory
  • BigBox
  • Inspire
  • WOW!