Advance Business Solutions (ABS) began in humble beginning in 2007, as a property valuation practice, based at Castle Hill, in Sydney’s Hills north west area. It then grew into tax depreciation valuation work, moving to Chatswood, then to North Sydney. Property and tax depreciation services for clients, grew over the years to most of Australia’s eastern seaboard, from Port Douglas/ North Queensland to the north, to Tasmania to the south.
In recent years, ABS Group has expanded into conveyancing services for client, in Sydney/New South Wales and Melbourne/Victoria. Moving to York Street Sydney in 2016 and ABS Group second office, Collins Street Melbourne, in 2018. They have experience and expertise in residential, commercial and rural/non-urban properties.
Future plans, to set up in Brisbane/Queensland and Chandigarh/Punjab in India. ABS Group prides itself having the corporate values of Client Service, Client Empathy, Risk Management and People with Property that Matters.